Mechanical Projects

Indoor Farming Hydroponic Plant Grow Chamber 3 Layer

Download Project Document/Synopsis Indoor farming/gardening is the future for agriculture, where we don’t need vast lands for agriculture. Gardening and farming can be done easily and even better using smart grow chambers that monitor and supply the plants with all necessary ingredients for proper growth. So here we design a 3 layer indoor farming/gardening unit …

Indoor Farming Hydroponic Plant Grow Chamber 3 Layer Read More »

Human Safe Sanitization Tunnel Using Silver ION Technology

Download Project Document/Synopsis The earlier human sanitization tunnels developed in times of covid pandemic used chemicals such as sodium peroxide for disinfection. These tunnels had 4 major problems. Sodium peroxide and chemicals were harmful for human skin and eyes too. The spray of these chemicals wasted a lot of water. A lot of the chemical …

Human Safe Sanitization Tunnel Using Silver ION Technology Read More »

Stand Plus Wall Mount Auto Sanitizer Dispenser Dual Mount

Download Project Document/Synopsis Sanitizers are playing a major role in the covid crisis by allowing for waterless sanitization of hands. Sanitizer dispensers too require a hand or leg press. So to ease the task and promote use of sanitizers we here develop an automated contactless sanitizer dispenser. This machine makes sanitizer dispensing fully automatic with …

Stand Plus Wall Mount Auto Sanitizer Dispenser Dual Mount Read More »