Recipe Recommendation from the Ingredients Flutter App

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People nowadays become very much health conscious and, they try to take at most healthy food in their meal. An appropriate food recipe must require serving the real taste of the food and a balanced diet, and healthy life. As we all know, health is wealth, so food selection is essential for better health.
Sometimes people pick some ingredients that they do not even know their names. Or pick up some ingredients from a grocery store, but they do not know how to make recipes using those ingredients. For a beginner, it is very challenging to select a recipe just by seeing the ingredients. Even for an expert cook, it is also problematic.
Our flutter-based Recipe Recommendation System helps users by recommending recipes from the given food ingredients. The system implements an approach to recognizing food ingredients, and after analyzing and classifying these recognized ingredients, food that can be cooked with compatible recipes will be recommended.
In this system, the user will need to register their account first. To log in, the user can use their username and password. The user can add and update pantry details and set recommended quantities for the pantry item. The system will notify the user whenever the available quantity is below the recommended quantity.
The user can search for a recipe by adding a list of ingredients that are available or they want to add to the recipe. The system will get recipes from ingredients using third-party API (i.e., Spoonacular API) and the user can save them in the database. It will display recipe details from API or database and the user has the option to save the recipe in the database if it’s not saved.
This project is written in Dart and is based on the flutter framework. Dart is a programming language that Google developed and keeps up with. A cross-platform framework for building high-performance mobile apps is called Flutter.


  • It is easy to maintain.
  • It is user-friendly.
  • By searching ingredients, the user can search for recipes instantly.
  • The system will notify the user when the pantry items quantity is less than the recommended quantity.