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YouTube giveaways have helped YouTubers to generate thousands of views, subscribers, revenue from ads, and followers, which led to huge even bigger sponsorship deals. For new channels looking to get discovered or an established channel looking for that extra boost in subscribers and views, the YouTube Giveaway can help in the best way. Our flutter-based YouTube Giveaway Manager App helps in managing giveaways to subscribers for those who are participating in a giveaway. Here, we are integrating Nightbot API to get the subscriber’s details and other YouTube API-related sources.
The channel admin will need to authorize Nightbot access to this app. While registering for this application, the subscribers will compulsorily need to provide their YouTube Id link.
This project is written in Dart and the database used here is MSSQL, and it is based on the flutter framework. Dart is a programming language that Google developed and keeps up with. A cross-platform framework for building high-performance mobile apps is called Flutter.
In this system, the YouTuber can manage the giveaway to their subscribers. The YouTuber or channel admin will need to log in to the system. The admin can add and update their channel details. The list of all the registered subscribers who have subscribed from our system can be viewed by the admin. The admin can add and update the giveaways also, they can add or remove subscribers.
All the details that have been posted by the winner will be visible to the admin. The admin can choose the winner by manual selection, auto-select or from the comment section. The winners can be viewed by the admin and from the blacklist, they can add or remove subscribers for the giveaways with their YouTube link and subscriber-id.
The subscribers will also need to register their account to log in to the system with their YouTube Id. They can view the list of all their giveaway and participate in a giveaway. The subscribers can share the links or photos of rules and regulations mentioned in the giveaway. All the winners can be viewed by the subscribers.
- It is easy to maintain.
- It is user-friendly.
- The channel admin can easily select from participants for the giveaway.
- The admin has access to all the details about the subscriber.
- Admin and subscriber both can view winners for the giveaway.