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The earlier human sanitization tunnels developed in times of covid pandemic used chemicals such as sodium peroxide for disinfection. These tunnels had 4 major problems.
- Sodium peroxide and chemicals were harmful for human skin and eyes too.
- The spray of these chemicals wasted a lot of water.
- A lot of the chemical too was used leading to recurring costs of chemical purchase.
- So many chemicals drained to sewage every day also would lead to very bad environmental impact too.
To counter the problem and find a safe yet 100% working way for human disinfection, we hereby propose a silver ion based compact disinfection tunnel. The tunnel is mace compact especially to make it cheaper and take less space at entrances. Also it is designed not to spray but to fumigate which requires a lot less chemical thus saving on costs too. The advantages of this tunnel are as follows:
- Silver ion technology is a well proven technology to kill viruses & bacteria, proof links below:
ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIVIRAL PROPERTIES OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES SYNTHESIZED BY MARINE ACTINOMYCETES - The silver ion technology is not reported to be harmful to human skin as per studies unlike the harmful sodium peroxide and related chemicals. - Our Tunnel is a compact tunnel that consumes less space and is easy to transport.
- The tunnel makes use of fumigation instead of directly spraying allowing it to reach all corners of the human body.
- The fumigation consumes over 70% less water and chemicals than the tradition spray based tunnels.
- The System moreover uses human sensing to auto start and auto stop to save costs.
- Components
- Sheet Metal
- LCD Display
- Keypad
- Electrical Panel
- Motion Sensor
- Fumigation Setup
- Fumigation Chamber
- Ultrasonic Transducer
- Liquid Level Sensor
- Liquid Tank
- Rubber Partitions
- PVC Piping Arrangement
- Controlling Circuitry
- Supporting Frame
- Mounts and Joints
- Screws and Bolts
So here by we enhance the human disinfection using silver ion based human disinfection tunnel for human safe disinfection while saving water in the process.
Machine Size: 2.5 x 2.5 x 7 feet