Electronics Projects

Cycle Switching Without Harmonics For Industrial Power Control

The proposed project aims at getting integral cycle switching for controlling AC power in linear loads like heaters used in electric furnace. Integral cycle switching is basically removing whole cycle or portions of cycles from an AC signal. This is achieved by using microcontroller of 8051 family programmed in assembly/C language such that whenever the …

Cycle Switching Without Harmonics For Industrial Power Control Read More »

Thyristor Firing Angle Control For Battery Charging

Download Project Document/Synopsis This project is designed to charge batteries using DC from AC power supply. The DC power is obtained from a rectifier system that is controlled by a thyristor. Whereas the AC power is deployed on a bridge rectifier composed of diodes and a triac to achieve required control from microcontroller (of 8051 …

Thyristor Firing Angle Control For Battery Charging Read More »