Electronics Projects

Accident Avoiding System with Crash Detection and GPS Notification

Download Project Document/Synopsis When an individual riding his/her Vehicle, meets with a mishap, quite possibly the individual may experience the ill effects of genuine damage or lapse immediately and there is nobody around to help him. Well, this project is an answer to the issue. The system acts as an accident avoidance and detection system …

Accident Avoiding System with Crash Detection and GPS Notification Read More »

Multicontroller based Wheelchair Safety using Android, Touch, Speech & Gesture Control

Download Project Document/Synopsis Locomotion is one the basic needs of humans which is lacked by people having limited abilities which render them to use wheelchair for moving from one place to another. The purpose of this project is to serve these people by automating the process of moving in any direction using Different methods over …

Multicontroller based Wheelchair Safety using Android, Touch, Speech & Gesture Control Read More »

Raspberry Pi Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System Over IOT

Download Project Document/Synopsis In recent day scenario, the non-stop increase in air and sound pollution prove to be an big alarming problem. It has become mandatory to control and appropriately monitor the situation so that the required steps to control the situation can be undertaken. In this project, an IOT-based method using RasberryPi is used …

Raspberry Pi Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System Over IOT Read More »